Tuesday, 9 March 2010


Ahh rest day today, Sunday's 16.03 miles was so much more pleasant in the lovely sunshine. Sophie and I set off from Esholt after marshalling the final Peco Cross Country race to complete a slightly altered version of the run I did with Lisa and Jo last week. It wasn't too long before we hit a hiccup, the main gate by the filter beds was locked, no way through so we about turned and carried on through by an alternative route. I wasn't entirely sure where we were going to end up but it wasn't too long before we decided on a way through which we thought would still take us in the direction of Guiseley. Low and behold we arrived at the bottom of Gill Lane as planned. The roads and shopping areas at Guiseley and Otley were absolutely full of cars and people obviously brought out by the sun, making it difficult to negotiate crossing the road and getting down to the river. This done we administered ourselves another carb gel and set off back in the direction of Whitecross with a slight feeling of dejavu!

Once we reached the bottom of Hollings Hill, a little way along Baildon Bottom we diverted off the road onto the canal. It was like paradise getting off the busy roads down onto the tranquil, scenic canal. We finished our run in what seemed like no time at all. What a difference the sunshine made, I also have a sneaking feeling that the 17+ miles last week made 16 miles seem so much more acceptable too!

Monday's speed & hills session was a tempo run (dejavu once more!) which all the members seemed to really enjoy, Lisa had put together a slightly shorter version of the sessions we have done with Mick, starting and finishing on Gain Lane and it all went to plan!

This week I have a club run on Wednesday, distance training at the Horsfall track with Mick on Thursday, and instead of club on Friday we have a talk from a nutritionist (arranged by Airedale Athletics) followed by a curry (not sure he'll endorse the curry!). I am considering a short run or cross training of some description on Saturday ahead of the Trimpell 20 mile in Morecambe on Sunday which will be the highest mileage I have done to date.

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