Sunday, 11 April 2010

The Lone Ranger

The first Sunday of the taper when 'long run day' has turned into 2 hour day! I have been feeling apprehensive of this day all week since agreeing to 'go it alone', Sophie of course is in Paris doing the deed, Sharon ran 20 miles yesterday and Lisa & Jo were planning 22 miles today. I figured I could have joined either of them but both carried a possibility of being a contributor to my misdemeanour last week, running on Saturday as opposed to Sunday having not quite recovered from the Thursday session and joining those not wanting the same length or duration of run - yes I'm still harping on about it, sorry, but it's going to be a long drawn out process as it's etched in my mind. So I made the brave decision to stand alone just like the Lone Ranger! Some of you will know I really am not a fan of lone running, have I said that before? I couldn't even bring myself to plan my route, the best I could come up with is 'I'll run for two hours then you come and pick me up' - to my husband! Thankfully he agreed.

I set off from my house - I can't remember the last time I ran up my street - and headed for Apperley Bridge, I made the wise decision to set off fairly early despite wanting to watch the Paris Marathon on TV. It was brilliant sunshine but at 8.50 it was breezy too, perfect. Continuing Past Rawdon Meadows it felt odd not to be going into the car park, I carried on up the hill and through Woodlands, at the top of Knott Lane I did a right towards Rawdon, onto Guiseley, yes you've guessed it, through Menston and down to Otley, with 35 minutes still to spare I decided to take a right upon reaching the river, on towards Pool, or so I thought, hmmm slightly lost and running round the houses I finally found the right road as I spied Otley RUFC and then on past Stephen Smith's Garden centre, what a lovely tranquil area to run, I'm definitely coming back I thought as I ambled along, it was now quite warm, whoa the watch hit 2 hours. I would be kidding myself if I said I hadn't thought about what mileage I would do although it shouldn't have mattered I thought I might touch 12 miles, examining the watch it was 11.55 so not too bad and lo and behold I had actually enjoyed it. So whilst I still wouldn't choose to run alone, the next time I might not be so nervous as I set off.

My thoughts are for Sophie now, I'm on edge waiting to hear how she got on, although I still have faith she will be downing the wine and cheese as I type, I'm looking forward to the all important text.......oooh la la!

Two weeks to go..........

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