Wednesday, 5 May 2010

The Joolz VLM Final Entry

I felt it appropriate to update my status!
What now?
Well the official times are published, the official photos are published and the ballot opens for the 2011 race!
So.... my official finishing time was 4:49:39 and I am pleased and proud to have completed the 30th Anniversary, the first VIRGIN London Marathon and I've got the medal and the T-Shirt to say so! As for the official photos well, I may have raised my arms above my head as I crossed the finishing line but I forgot to smile and oh dear, I look dreadful! I have however, succumbed to paying the ridiculous amount of over £17 for one of the 7" x 3" photos and when it arrives I'll post it here as it is a memorable one taken as I run along the Embankment with the London Eye in the background. For me it says 'I did it!' and I shall be putting it in a frame along with my number, running t-shirt and medal.
It's been a week and a half now and since then I have run with club only once, tonight I have the first of the John Carr 5k series races and on Sunday the Leeds Half Marathon, not sure what to expect really but I'm sure everything will be fine. After the Leeds Half we have been invited to Liz & Chris Jones' house along with lots of other runners so I'm really looking forward to that.
The lurches in my stomach still have not subsided as I think about Lisa, Sharon, Jo, Alison & Rob who still have the Edinburgh Marathon to do just two weeks on Sunday. I'll be rooting for them and watching on TV, hopefully!

I heard today that the ballot for the 2011 VLM closed in a record time after just one day! Good job I got my entry in on day one then!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Londone & I'm back.........

I thought long and hard as to whether I should leave writing my blog for a few more days as I'm struggling to recount my experiences. However, I've decided to proceed with a draft and figure if anything I can add things in as I go along and hopefully recounting some things will jog my memory.

A short journey to Ferrybridge services on Friday 23rd April marked the start of an epic moment in my life - Sophie text me whilst we were still in the car to wish me luck and I replied that we were nearing Ferrybridge services and she replied that we would be coming upon her work place and now had experienced her car journey each day. We all waved frantically as we passed close by her office building! She text again to say she had missed us! So loading our luggage onto the coach the apprehension didn't seem to be lifting but I tried to turn my thoughts elsewhere as we made our way to the very back of the coach, the only seats left as we were the final pick up. The journey wasn't too bad and in no time at all we arrived at Excell for me to register and pick up my number. We were a little rushed and didn't have enough time to look round thoroughly but I managed to pick up a few freebies and a goody bag, also purchased a bargain Runner's World rucksack containing lots of running related treats and paraphernalia.

Back on the coach we headed off for our hotel. On arrival we were chaperoned into a side room to be checked in. Rules and regulations, meal times etc were relayed to us, then came the bombshell, our tour operator announced that they had been informed that the road outside the hotel was going to be closed for the race, therefore, they would not be able to get the coaches down to take us to the start of the race and runners would, therefore, have to find alternative means of transport to get there under their own steam. I was shell shocked, I would be on my own since the other 5 members of our party were all non-runners. Panic set in. Issued with our keys we were allowed to our rooms, very comfortable they were too. Spectacular views over Canary Wharfe with the London Eye on the horizon and a birdseye view of the Docklands Light Railway and lots of tall glass buildings made it feel like we were somewhere like New York!

Dinner in the dining room at 7.30 was a welcome relief from hunger pangs, and delicious it was too, as were the rest of the meals provided during our stay. Plenty of carb loading reassured me that I had put the finishing touches to the final phase of the last few months of preparation which was now complete, I felt confident that I had done all I could to ensure that I had put in what I expected to get out. Time would tell.......

Back in the room after dinner I proceeded to root through the goody bags, men's deodorant, milk shake, Mars drink (I don't drink milk by the way), London Pride beer, green tea - was there going to be anything I liked, not much was the answer to that, granola bars were a welcome sight!
I didn't sleep too well Friday night, strange bed, apprehension, too warm, too cold, dreaming about running a marathon, you name it, I was disturbed all night.

A trip on the Thames Clipper to The Embankment, souvenir shopping, street entertainers and a flight on the London Eye proved a valuable distraction for much of the day on Saturday, though Sunday was still at the forefront of my thoughts, my head was in turmoil and it showed as Martin kept trying to reassure me that I would be fine - it wasn't working.

Back at the Hotel after another pleasant trip on the Thames Clipper we put on the TV and snoozed on the bed, a welcome hour or so's rest and down for dinner we went. Helen, Don, Sharon & Gill joined us at our table for six by the window looking out onto Canary Wharfe, idyllic, spoiled by thoughts of the following day, at this point I resolved to come back next year and enjoy being a tourist for the whole weekend and letting others do the running! I felt like a spoilt child as I knew the fear was being portrayed on my face but I couldn't do anything about it, the thought of finding my way to the start line next morning was horrifying. Sharon & Gill were volunteering at the baggage trucks before the race and so they retired to bed early, closely followed by the remaining four of us. I was prepared for a sleepless night and by some miracle apart from waking once at 2 am and checking I had not missed the alarm, I slept quite well. No wonder since getting up at 5 am didn't leave me too many hours to actually be sleepless!

Up with the alarm I got ready in my running gear, pinned on my number, posed for photos in the room and off we went down for the 'runner's light breakfast' - in the reception area we met some runners from Driffield Striders and Bridlington Runners, Martin enquired what time etc they would be setting off to the start and would it be ok if I tagged along with them, they were only too happy and a wave of relief came over me! We met at 7 am to catch the Docklands Light Railway to Blackheath, and arrived at the start without a hitch. It was getting better. Some of the group were on the red start, some the green start and four of us made our way to the blue start. It struck me immediately that it was nothing like the Great North Run Start, there wasn't the buzz - there was one big screen relaying interviews with the rich and famous and eventually showing the elite ladies start, the heavens opened and luckily one of the chaps with us handed me a poncho, it kept me relatively dry, we decided to make our way to our respective start zones. Karen, one of the Driffield ladies suggested we try the new 'she wee' before being penned in - her name for the Pee mate introduced this year - aka cardboard female urinals. Ha ha this was going to be fun, I followed her into the tent where lots of ladies were Lent against urinals, one lady promptly gave us instructions, and we carried them out - simple - whoever designed them needs a medal for enabling us to avoid the enormous toilet queues. Thankfully I didn't have long to wait before the start, again non of the hype I had expected, everyone just stood around, no excitement, and everyone started to move forward then stopped, minutes later same again only this time they kept walking then started to speed up, just over 9 minutes and I was over the start line, the first mile marker appeared very quickly, as did successive ones, before I knew it I was at the 8 mile mark and feeling good. Keeping an eye on my minutes per mile pace, before I knew it I was at the half marathon mark and just two minutes outside my pace band time of 4:30 - still feeling great I had left behind Princess Beatrice in the caterpillar run, Sir Richard Branson wearing his butterfly wings and Mark 'Chappers' Chapman from Radio One, the noise from the crowds of supporters was phenomenal - at times unbearable, I have never seen so many people in the same place at the same time, extraordinary.
At around the 16 mile mark I spotted Helen and Don, shouting frantically Helen finally saw me at the last minute, it was great to have spotted familiar faces, reaching the 17 mile mark I had a pounding headache and began to feel light headed, luckily I had put tablets into my bum bag, promptly got them out and took them, 'was this the wall' I asked myself, I didn't know the answer but was worried as to whether I would start to feel worse, thankfully I never did feel any worse nor better either. Perhaps it was due to the weather, one minute the sun was cracking the flags the next it was overcast but very muggy. I didn't realise but looping round I came upon the 18 mile marker outside our hotel and I knew that Martin, Tricia, Neil, Gill & Sharon would be somewhere around here, familiar faces came into view, high fiving Tricia my spirits were lifted once more. I tried not to think about the fact that despite feeling terrible I still had 8 miles to go.
19 miles, 20 miles...... it amazed me how I looked forward to each mile marker, usually I hate seeing them, preferring to be surprised at how far I'd got, not today, each mile was an achievement, I think every piece of advice I'd been given came into play, anyone who gave me any along the way, 'thank you', and believe you me I took it at some stage or another!

Lo and behold, The Embankment, the place we had queued for Thames Clipper tickets the day before, Big Ben, turning the corner the excitement from the crowds was building, I knew I didn't have too much further to go, a left turn and we were running down the Mall, Buckingham Palace stood behind us, I turned to look at it as I had seen pictures of it in the running magazines, tired I read 800m to go, hardly able to make my legs keep going forward I prayed the next sign wasn't 600m to go, it was, then 400m to go - it seemed like an age before I finally spotted the finishing line and lurched towards it, coming up to the line I remembered what Sophie said someone had said to her 'put your arms in the air for the photo you look like you've got energy left' - I raised my arms above my head and crossed the line. Once over I scanned the signs to see what to do next, first up a ramp to have my timing chip cut off, then shepherded to the right to have a photo taken against a background, off to get my goody bag and then to the meet and greet to see my family!
No such thing! We had agreed to meet at XYZ - less congested we were told! It was like a cattle market, I couldn't move, were they 2 feet away and I couldn't see them, I began to feel weary and dejected, I went over to the pavement and sat down, wrapped myself in my foil blanket and waited, I was unable to use my phone 'network busy'. I waited, and waited and waited.............
Way over an hour later Martin finally appeared, I had begun to feel much better and we set off to catch a tube back to the hotel.
Showered and changed I pondered the previous few hours, had I really done it, I was wearing a medal and a 'Londone!' T-shirt, yes I really had......Would I do it again - people kept asking....I doubt it, but stranger things have happened!

Thursday, 22 April 2010

London here I come!

With one day left to work before we travel down the reality is now beginning to dawn on me and I could really do with a dose of positive mental attitude, anyone know where I can buy some? My ankle is giving me some cause for concern (old injury from last year which never really went away but hasn't stopped me running since) and I can't seem to focus on anything else. A steady 6 mile run at club last night saw me bid farewell to fellow club members as I was sent on my way with their good wishes and good luck, wow such a lot of water will have passed under the bridge next time I see them.

Photos of me in my 'Home Made' T-Shirt!

I have booked a flight on the London Eye for Saturday, hopefully this will give me something else to think about. Shopping done, packing nearly done, I rose early (as I have done all week) and decided to go for an early morning swim. My sister-in-law and niece were there, nice to see some familiar and cheery faces so early.

Arthur our most senior member of Eccleshill Road Runners called into work this morning to wish me well, he's such a gentleman! I too passed on my good wishes to him as he is undertaking an abseil down the Central Library in Bradford on Saturday, raising funds for Marie Curie. My two eldest sons Scott & Craig are undertaking a sky dive also in aid of Marie Curie on Sunday too, it's not just me who's mad in my family then?!

This evening I am meeting up with the 'Slow Twitchers' group for an evaluation and feedback session (at the pub) with Mick Brearley, our coach and mentor for the last 14 weeks and as well as furnishing us with the information we needed he has also managed to complete his Scottish Marathon in a fantastic 2 hours 59 - job well done on both counts! We have had one or two fall by the wayside over the weeks, my close friend Gill being one of the most poignant for me having transferred my Edinburgh Marathon entry to her when I gained my London place, she has had to throw in the towel after weeks upon weeks of physio have failed to get her back to full fitness. She has, however, pledged that she will complete the marathon distance in the future, maybe I'll join her.......

So all that remains is to thank the most recent people to have visited my page viz Lindsey, Suzanne, Clare, Lisa & Rob - heartfelt thanks. Too numerous to mention are those who have also added their names to my sponsor sheet, I am deeply grateful, all that remains is to get the job done so it's "adios me old cockers" and in the words of Arnie "I'll be back!"

Monday, 19 April 2010

The Final week......

Last Sunday run done, Lisa decided to 'pass' on the Pennine 10k and join Sophie and I for my final 90 minute run, Sophie's first run since Paris and despite her suffering with a post marathon cold we had a lovely run, the sun was shining and we chatted most of the way round, 8 miles later, job done!
It's hard to believe that 5 months have passed since I was given the opportunity of running the London Marathon after previously being rejected in the ballot, failing to get a club place in the Eccleshill ballot, being drawn out as a reserve and then beyond my wildest dreams being offered a place from Hazel after she made the decision not to take part. It still seems like a dream and any minute I'm going to wake up!
I'm now at the stage when every time I think how close it is my stomach lurches. I know what lies ahead but I am unable to reason with myself why I feel as nervous as I do. I can't imagine how I'm going to feel come the end of the week if I feel like this now.
My final week has been somewhat marred by the death of my dear Aunty and although she had been diagnosed with terminal cancer we did not expect her to go so suddenly, which makes her passing all the more difficult to come to terms with. I was relieved to learn today though that I will have returned from the capital in time to attend her funeral on Monday. I will carry my memories of her around the course with me......

Tonight..... as the rest of the club members completed a speed and hills session I opted to run with a new member Debbie, we completed a 3 mile lap around Eccleshill accompanied by Gill after which they both agreed they would do another mile so I bid them farewell and set off to repeat the lap again to reach the 50 minutes suggested by my training schedule. I am so looking forward to depositing that piece of paper in the recycle bin! I may even do that after my very last run on Wednesday!

One training session to go and then it will be time to get packing!

Thursday, 15 April 2010

The standard has been set

Well the standard has been set! Of the group of us opting to do spring marathons Sophie finished hers in a fantastic 4 hours 35 minutes. The photos told the story before I even saw her to get it first hand. She looked tired but very happy still clad in her marathon poncho, her finishers medal proudly displayed and then further photos of her enjoying a glass of post run wine made it appear she hadn't even run, she was glowing! Messages next day told a different story as she said she was hobbling and the stairs were a nightmare, but that she was thrilled!

Week 2 of my taper nearly over and I have astonishingly felt quite guilty, it's been difficult to reason with myself that I don't need to run as much as I have been doing. Monday (rest day) was taken care of as I was invited out for a meal with an ex employer from way back, Tuesday should have been 50 minutes easy but as I was unable to fit it in and so I left it until Wednesday and went to club, a nice easy 7 miles with Dawn and Alison took us down onto the canal and back to club via Calverley, Greengates, Thackley and Idle. Thursday's session with Mick was a fartlek session around Peel Park followed by a massage back at the cricket club -bliss! A student had approached various clubs for work experience and so we were offered the chance to help her out, and excellent it was too. I'm considering booking in for a sports massage in the week before my marathon. It's becoming reality now that our distance training course is coming to an end and our final session for feedback etc scheduled for next week signals the onset of the final few days before the big day......

I'll finish this week with a club run tomorrow, volunteering at the Bradford Parkrun on Saturday and I've opted to stay with my training plan and do a 90 minute run on Sunday with Sophie instead of racing the Pennine 10k and this brings me to the start of my final week of tapering.

The next victim for the 26.2 mile distance is Mick himself who's taking on the Lochaber Marathon, Fort William in Scotland on Sunday so it's good luck to him!

Sunday, 11 April 2010

The Lone Ranger

The first Sunday of the taper when 'long run day' has turned into 2 hour day! I have been feeling apprehensive of this day all week since agreeing to 'go it alone', Sophie of course is in Paris doing the deed, Sharon ran 20 miles yesterday and Lisa & Jo were planning 22 miles today. I figured I could have joined either of them but both carried a possibility of being a contributor to my misdemeanour last week, running on Saturday as opposed to Sunday having not quite recovered from the Thursday session and joining those not wanting the same length or duration of run - yes I'm still harping on about it, sorry, but it's going to be a long drawn out process as it's etched in my mind. So I made the brave decision to stand alone just like the Lone Ranger! Some of you will know I really am not a fan of lone running, have I said that before? I couldn't even bring myself to plan my route, the best I could come up with is 'I'll run for two hours then you come and pick me up' - to my husband! Thankfully he agreed.

I set off from my house - I can't remember the last time I ran up my street - and headed for Apperley Bridge, I made the wise decision to set off fairly early despite wanting to watch the Paris Marathon on TV. It was brilliant sunshine but at 8.50 it was breezy too, perfect. Continuing Past Rawdon Meadows it felt odd not to be going into the car park, I carried on up the hill and through Woodlands, at the top of Knott Lane I did a right towards Rawdon, onto Guiseley, yes you've guessed it, through Menston and down to Otley, with 35 minutes still to spare I decided to take a right upon reaching the river, on towards Pool, or so I thought, hmmm slightly lost and running round the houses I finally found the right road as I spied Otley RUFC and then on past Stephen Smith's Garden centre, what a lovely tranquil area to run, I'm definitely coming back I thought as I ambled along, it was now quite warm, whoa the watch hit 2 hours. I would be kidding myself if I said I hadn't thought about what mileage I would do although it shouldn't have mattered I thought I might touch 12 miles, examining the watch it was 11.55 so not too bad and lo and behold I had actually enjoyed it. So whilst I still wouldn't choose to run alone, the next time I might not be so nervous as I set off.

My thoughts are for Sophie now, I'm on edge waiting to hear how she got on, although I still have faith she will be downing the wine and cheese as I type, I'm looking forward to the all important text.......oooh la la!

Two weeks to go..........

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Inaugural Parkrun

I felt this occasion deserved a short blog of it's own. Today I rose early to get down to Lister Park with Marc to lend a hand in the first ever Bradford Parkrun. Heading for the bandstand to meet the other willing volunteers, the sun was shining on the beautiful park. I knew everything was going to go well. While we walked the course discussing where marshals were needed , Linda was already busy putting up directional arrows around trees and anything else conspicuous enough to point the runners in the right direction!

Cue the runners - they began turning up - everyone was chatting excitedly. After observing Tom from Leeds Parkrun demonstrate the barcode reader and timer/counter I decided that I would like to carry out a duty which provided least opportunity to 'muck it up' - marshaling it was then. Off I went to my prescribed position, by the flower beds at the front of Cartwright Hall, I waited eagerly to catch a glimpse of the first runner, I didn't have to wait too long before the leader of the pack, Mick Hogan from ERR came into view, and in the lead he stayed finishing first in 20:23. It wasn't about times today more about getting the logistics sorted but I couldn't help feeling a sense of pride that Marc came third. I'd like to see if I can get a marshal position nearer the start/finish next week as I kind of missed the excitement.

We are now looking forward to the first official run next week, and I'm looking forward to getting to grips with a run round Lister Park once I return from that there London having bagged a marathon the week after that!

Marc and I proceeded to walk to Peel Park for football training - all in the name of cross training I suppose!